Adult Ministries
Adult Ministries
Sunday Forums are offered for adults in blocks of three- to four-week sessions. The forums cover a variety of topics, and all are welcome to participate according to their interests.
Bible Study Groups- Women’s circles and other groups are available for Bible study and growth in faith..
Service Groups- provide care and hospitality by serving the fellowship meals that follow funerals. Other teams of people provide cakes or salads for funeral meals. Contact the church office if you are interested in providing care for others in this way. Individuals and families are always sought for Sunday morning fellowship serving and the Meals on Wheels program. Contact us via email or call the church office at 507-498-5291 for service groups and schedules.
Trinity Lutheran Church Women (TLCW): meets alternate months for learning and fellowship, and hosts several special events throughout the year. Women’s circles provide monthly opportunity for fellowship and Bible study.
Love Day meets the last Friday of the month to do quilting for Lutheran World Relief (LWR) These quilters also assist with the gathering of items for LWR school kits, health kits, and layettes.