Music at Trinity
Music at Trinity
Music is a joyful part of our worship life, and choirs provide leadership for the liturgy and hymn singing of the congregation.
Pre-school – Grade 6
Music is part of the Sunday School experience for our children. These students offer their song in morning worship 4-5 times during the Christian education year.
Praise Band is open anyone -- high school age and up. The band provides worship leadership the second Sunday of each month September through May.
Trinity Choir is open to youth (Grade 8 and above) and adults of any age. Rehearsals are held Wednesdays at 8:00 p.m. The choir sings most every Sunday from Rally Day in September through Pentecost, and at other festival services. They are on break during the summer.
Adult Handbell Choir meets Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.generally September through May. They play throughout the year at worship services.
Special Music We welcome soloists or ensembles to provide vocal or instrumental music during the summer months and throughout the year. If you are interested in providing special music, please contact the pastor to coordinate a time.