Ministry Teams
Our Ministry Teams
Trinity Lutheran has Ministry Teams to help us achieve the work that God has called us to do.
Our Teams -- Care, Communications, Education, Finance, Mission in the World, Outreach, Property, Staffing, Stewardship, and Worship.
CARE TEAM - Listen, respond, care, serve and pray for others.
The Care Team has the following with about Food Insecurity. We pack backpack bags for school children providing two breakfasts, two lunches, and 2-3 snacks for weekends. We inventory and stock The Little Free Pantry. We collect a special offering in the Fall called “Bag A Buck” for the Houston County Food Shelf. Our favorite fun activity is packing and delivering 40-45 Christmas Cheer Bags in December. They are filled with foods for quality meals, pancake mix and Zaffke Maple Syrup, treats for the kids, as well as gifts and gift certificates.
Besides being such a “foodie” group, our team schedules Meals On Wheels delivery folks and we line up 498-AMEN readers. We fund Baptism chests and some lovely ladies crochet and knit prayer shawls for us to deliver where needed.
If anyone would like to donate toward any of our projects, or if you could drive for Meals on Wheels, crochet, or stock food, let me know. And maybe one year you’d like to join this team. We’re Fun!
Autumn Wiste - Care Team Lead
COMMUNICATIONS TEAM - Develops and implements a communication plan that supports the vision, mission, and goals of the congregation.
Mary Zaffke — Communications Team Lead
EDUCATION TEAM — The Education Team works closely with the Children’s Youth Director to plan youth events and activities at Trinity that develop life-long faith for youth. Events include: Sunday School (preschool through kindergarten), Release Time (kindergarten Through 6th grade), Wednesday Bible School (3rd through 6th grade) and Confirmation (7th through 8th grade). Summer youth bonfires are planned for students in 9th through 12th grade.
Each year the youth program, with the assistance of many great volunteers, perform a Christmas program. Youth-led worship services are planned during the year as well.
The Education Team holds fundraisers throughout the year to assist in funding youth events. Some of the fundraisers that we support are the Syttende Meatball Dinner, pies at Thanksgiving, stock sales, and Lenten suppers.
Heather Gray – Education Team Lead
FINANCE TEAM — The goal of the Finance Team is to produce an annual budget, monitor income and expenses that support the congregation, and review, analyze and make recommendations to the Congregation Council from the financial reports. The budget will support: pastoral and personnel on Trinity's staff, Mission in the World Team projects, worship services, lifelong faith through the Education Team, the Care Team, support the Outreach Team who develops faith-forming relationships, and Trinity's maintenance of properties.
We are always in appreciation of the generous donations provided by those who care deeply for the many needs and ministries of Trinity Lutheran Church.
Respectfully submitted
Jacque Wennes — Finance Team Lead
▪ Mission in the World - Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by supporting local, national, and international ministries.
▪ Outreach - Develop faith-forming relationships within our homes, congregation and communities.