Children's Ministries

Sunday School Teachers and Helpers needed

There are 4 ways you can help:

1. Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten teacher. This teacher would work with 3 other teachers (could choose to teach every other month with 1 other teacher) and teach 3-year-olds, 4-year-olds, and Kindergarteners. All curriculum and materials will be provided.

2. Shepherd. A shepherd works with a designated age group for the entire year. Often two shepherds make a schedule for which Sundays they would help and which Sundays would be their "week off." Shepherds meet with their age group at the beginning of Sunday School in music, and then transport their group to their classroom for that Sunday and participate/aid with the activities.

3. Rotational teacher. A rotational teacher signs up for a certain topic and two week teaching period. All curriculum and materials will be provided.

Sunday School Supplies needed

We’re looking forward to a fun-filled year of Sunday School! Our activities and lessons take a lot of supplies! 
If you’re interested in supporting the Sunday School education program here at Trinity, we welcome you to help us by donating supplies or a monetary gift.

You can sign-up to bring an item…. 
….By contacting the office, 498-5291 or

Thanks for your support!

Vacation Bible School and Day Camp at Trinity

Day Camp and VBS are held concurrently at Trinity. All are invited! Attendees do not have to be members of Trinity, so bring a friend, a cousin, a neighbor, and join us for a week of fun!

Vacation Bible School is for children ages 3 (by 9/1) to 5. It is from 9:00 - 11:30 a.m.
Vacation Bible School registration form

Day Camp is for youth entering grades 1-6 in the fall.
Day Camp registration form

Children’s Ministries (Youth helpers Grades 9-12)

Sunday School begins at age 3 and continues through Grade 6. Youth in Grades 7-8 are Sunday School helpers. Sunday School choirs sing at worship services. In 2011, Trinity implemented a Rotational Sunday School model that teaches bible stories in a variety of creative ways including art, drama, storytelling, and hands-on learning.

Sunday School begins the Sunday after Labor Day and continues through the second Sunday in May, with breaks at Christmas and Easter.

Vacation Bible School invites children 3-5 years of age to participate in hands-on activities related to Bible stories. 

Day Camp blends the outdoor ministry of Bible camp and congregational ministry. Children participate in hands-on activities related to Bible stories. Day Camp is offered one week during the summer.

Release Time provides religious education for Grades K-6. Participating children are dismissed from school for an hour of faith education at Trinity Center.