
Congregational Meeting

Our Congregation Council has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, March 23 at 10:30 a.m. following worship.

There are two items of business to be voted upon:
1) to approve a bid for the Fellowship Hall floor repair — the repair that was approved at the Annual meeting cannot be done, so new bids were requested and one needs to be approved (see photos below)
2) to approve amendments to our Constitution that were presented at the Annual Meeting in February and require a second meeting for approval

Please plan to attend the meeting which should be brief. Or join the meeting via Zoom. (see Zoom link below)

Thank you for your active participation at Trinity.

When voting, you will need to say your name unless your video is on. The person running the Zoom meeting will ask you for your vote, please wait for them to ask so that everyone is not talking over each other.

To join via Zoom:

Click on this link:

When prompted, enter the Meeting ID:
842 9575 2242

You will be let into the meeting. Please have your video on so that we can see who is attending the meeting.

To join via phone, call this number and when prompted, enter the Meeting ID listed above:

photos of the Fellowship Hall floor

Lent & Holy Week

This Lenten season we will dive deeper into the Apostles’ Creed during our midweek Vesper Services. What is the Apostle's Creed? Where did it come from and why do we say it? Join us as we go through the verses to understand its significance and importance. All are welcome.

Ash Wednesday March 5 ▪ Imposition of Ashes ▪ 7 p.m. service

Lenten Suppers ▪ Wednesdays 6:15 p.m. 
March 12 ▪ March 19 ▪ March 26 ▪ April 2 ▪ April 9
menu varies ▪ served by our teams ▪ freewill donation

Mid-Week Lenten Services ▪ Wednesdays 7 p.m. ▪ The Apostles’ Creed
March 12 ▪ March 19 ▪ March 26 ▪ April 2 ▪ April 9

Palm Sunday April 13 ▪ 9:15 a.m. ▪ Procession of Palms by our Youth 

Maundy Thursday ▪ April 17 ▪ 7 p.m. ▪ Holy Communion

Good Friday April 18 ▪ 7 p.m. ▪ Tenebrae Service

Easter Sunday April 20 ▪ 9:15 a.m. ▪ Fellowship following worship


Confirmation Hygge

Hygge Confirmation Class 
Sunday, February 2 ▪ 4-7 pm 
outdoors at the home of Pastor Lane & Mary

Have you heard of “hygge” before? Hygge (pronounced hoo-ga) is both a Danish and Norwegian word that dates back to around 1800. It describes a cozy, contented mood. Hygge is often about informal time together with family or close friends sharing a meal.

We will be experiencing our own version of hygge at this outdoor class — come dressed to spend all the time outdoors! There will be a campfire, stargazing with Scott Bingham, and a walk on the trail. A meal and beverage will be provided. Our confirmation topic will be: Give us this day, our daily bread.

We’re looking forward to this unique version of Confirmation Class! See you on the 2nd. (This takes place of our 2/5 class; there is no class that night.)

Where do Pastor Lane & Mary live?
17987 County 27, Spring Grove. Watch for a sign telling you where to enter. 

Parents are invited to attend with their confirmation youth! It’ll be a fun evening!


Annual Meeting

Trinity’s Annual Meeting is Sunday, February 9, 2025
in the sanctuary following worship.

ANNUAL REPORT Is available at the entrances to the sanctuary and in the office. To view a digital copy, contact the office for information on how to access the password protected page.

Important Items at our Annual Meeting:
1. We will elect 4 members for our Call Committee (2 additional members are designated by the council). Call committees function best when the members are "big picture" people and there is diversity by gender, age, involvement with the church, etc.

2. It is likely that one of the candidates to be the next Trinity pastor will not want to live in Spring Grove. Pastor Jim will seek your input on this issue at the Annual Meeting.

3. Voting on the incoming ministry team members.

4. Reviewing 2024 and looking ahead to 2025.

Hope to see you all at the meeting!

To join the meeting via Zoom:

You can CALL in to the meeting or join via the ZOOM APP. (It is a free app, download it in your device’s app store or visit

To call:
- call (312) 626-6799
- when prompted, enter meeting ID: 832 5068 3685

Via Zoom app or website:
- type in this link:
- you will be let into the meeting, please be patient as others will also be trying to join

To vote:
- on your device you will need to have your video turned on, then you will raise your hand to vote yes or keep
  your hand down to vote no.
- if you called into the meeting via phone, you will need to say yes or no followed by your name, you will be
  asked for your answer so that people are not talking over each other.


Jubilee Worship

Come and worship at Trinity
at our new Jubilee Worship service!


What is our Jubilee Worship Service? Our youth will be sharing songs, reading scripture, helping with communion, and more! Families, grandparents, aunts, uncles, neighbors, friends….everyone is invited to come explore this new service with us. We’re excited!

When? The second Sunday of each month at 9:15 a.m.

After worship, stay for treats in the Fellowship Hall and youth (ages preK-5th grade) can attend Sunday School.

See you soon!

Epiphany Party


WHAT: A gathering of friends and neighbors to celebrate Epiphany. Scott Bingham will teach us a little about astronomy and how the Three Wisemen used the star to guide them to find Jesus in Bethlehem.

WHO: EVERYONE! All ages are invited. Do not need to be a Trinity member to attend.

WHERE: by the fire outside in the Trinity lawn and in the Fellowship Hall for a delicious meal.

WHEN: 5:00 p.m. Sunday, January 5 RESCHEDULED TO SUNDAY, JANUARY 12!

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Hosted by the Worship Team and Care Team — thank you!

Thankful Gifts

Our 2024 Thankful Gifts catalog is ready to go!

Are you searching for a gift for the hard-to-buy-for or someone who has everything or want to give a gift that will impact the life of someone? We have you covered! Check out all the options in this catalog from baby chicks to bi-lingual books to safe birthing kits to tools for women farmers. There is something for everyone!

Please have your order forms turned into the office by Monday, December 23. Thank you!

Click here for the 2024 Thankful Gifts catalog.
Click here for the order form.

Catalogs and order forms are also available in the office and at sanctuary entrances.

All Saints Day

On All Saints Sunday we remember all those who have gone on before us. We remember and give thanks for these saints who are now in God’s eternal, loving care. We praise God for their significance in our lives — their influence, example and faith.

Join us Sunday, November 3 at 9:15 a.m. for a special worship where we will light candles in remembrance of these saints as well as in celebration of the newly baptized.

A video in remembrance of all those who have passed this last year. Blessings on all of their families and friends.

Click here to view the video.

Season of Self Study

The Transition Team invites you to participate in the process of selecting our next pastor! We are in the Season of Self Study and your input is important to us!!

Join us on Sundays, Oct. 13, Oct. 20, Nov. 10, Nov. 17, and Nov. 24 during worship to complete the Self Study worksheets. This will be done as part of the service so our Facebook and radio listeners can follow along. These worksheets will also be available on the church website.

Please watch for weekly updates from the Transition Team in the bulletin, on Facebook, through emails, and the monthly newsletter as the Self Study process continues and other events are added.

You can also reach out to any of the Transition Team Members at any time. 

Transition Team - Dan Alstad, Carolyn Olson, Chelsey Sherburne, Hope Turner, Mark Udstuen, Jan Lochner (alternate)

Thank you for being a part of planning for our future at Trinity!

Week 1 Worksheet — October 13
Click here for a link to the Google form.
Click here to download a pdf of the worksheet to print and fill out.

Week 2 Worksheet — October 20
Click here for a link to the Google form.
Click here to download a pdf of the worksheet to print and fill out.

Week 3 Worksheet — November 10
Click here for a link to the Google form.
Click here to download a pdf of the worksheet to print and fill out.

Week 4 Worksheet — November 17 — Community Audit
There is no questionnaire this week.
Click here to download a pdf of the Community Audit Report

Week 5 Worksheet — November 24
Click here for a link to the Google form.
Click here to download a pdf of the worksheet to print and fill out.


Rally Sunday & Ministry Fair

Sunday, September 15 is Rally Sunday! ALL are invited to join us for fun outdoor activities! There will be games like a fishing boat where kids can fish for a surprise! and Gaga Ball and 9-square and more. There will even be treats outdoors! ALL AGES WELCOME!!!

Worship is at 9:15 and then the outdoor activities begin at 10:15.

Families with kids preschool age through 5th grade can sign up for Sunday School. You'll also learn more about the upcoming year!

Make sure to stop by the MINISTRY FAIR and sign up a time (or two!!) where you can volunteer at Trinity. Everyone has talents -- where can you share yours? Want to try a new volunteer position? SUPER!! Now's the time to try out anything you want! We LOVE our volunteers!

And grab some yummy treats while you are there! We look forward to seeing you and all the kiddos!

Become a mentor

A mentor is usually someone who is older, more experienced, patient, understanding, etc. than the person they are mentoring. Trinity has used mentors in our confirmation program for many years. They are people who come and sit with the students through confirmation class and then talk about the lessons with the students in their group.

Mentors don’t need to know the answers or be Biblical scholars. We will have mentor huddles to discuss ways to be more effective, any issues or problems, as well as ways to teach confirmation more effectively. 

We have two mentor slots to fill for confirmation this fall. We also need people to step forward to help teach Sunday School or Wednesday School. All that is needed is a desire to help fulfill the commitment Trinity makes to young people. We commit to teach faith and the Bible to our young people in their Baptism. Please consider doing this valuable work and become a mentor or teacher.

If you’re interested or have questions, please contact Pastor Lane,, or 507-498-5291.

Special Sundays in August

During worship on Sundays in August we will have some special blessings.

August 11
Blessing of the Animals (especially those going to the fair)  
Bring your pets or fair animals to outdoor worship and they will receive a special blessing! Please make sure the animals are safely contained as needed.

August 18
Blessing of School Sports
Bring your sports uniforms or workout clothes/shoes from any sport to worship for a special blessing.


August 25
Blessing of Backpacks & Workbags
Everyone is invited to bring their backpack or workbag to receive a special blessing for the year ahead. Plus you can get a backpack/workbag tag to remind you of this special day!


Info for 6th-8th grade youth & families

Sixth and Seventh Grade Youth & Parents
Plan on attending acolyte training on Wednesday, August 28, at 6:30 p.m. at the church. This session will prepare your confirmand for his/her special role in Sunday worship. Pastor Lane will also hand out the acolyte schedule for the school year. If you cannot attend on this evening, contact Pastor Lane at 507-273-3385 or

Confirmation Mentor Huddle / Training: Mentors of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students are invited to attend a meeting at Trinity Church on Wednesday, September 4, at 6:30 p.m. to discuss their role in their confirmands’ faith life over the school year. This will be an opportunity to review the upcoming schedule, lesson plans, and expectations. Contact Pastor Lane if you are unable to attend.

SAVE THE DATE! Confirmation Kick Off and Orientation
Parents and their confirmation youth in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades will kick off the confirmation year on Wednesday, September 11, at 6:30 p.m. at Trinity Center. The expectations, schedule, and confirmand covenant will be reviewed plus a Q&A session. Your child’s mentors will also be on hand for a meet and greet. Ice cream floats will be served. Any parent that cannot attend should contact Pastor Lane at 507-273-3385.

Survey on Wednesday Education & Worship

Resurrection….. of youth education at Trinity

Resurrection is an important part of our Lutheran faith and represents the gift of rebirth from sin into the salvation of Jesus and our opportunity to be saved and see our journey end with an eternity in Heaven.

As lead of the Education Team at Trinity, I’ve been honored to work with a group of dedicated individuals along with Pastor Lane intent on “resurrecting” our youth education program – to breathe new life into Confirmation, Sunday School, and Release Time.

We know that we cannot do this alone and need valuable feedback from parents, youth, and the congregation to help guide us in carrying out the important mission of educating our youth and setting them up with a lifetime of faith.

Because we do not have a youth director, Trinity will need to return to its roots – parents and the congregation will need to work with our pastors to fill the role of educating our youth, providing leadership, and celebrating the great message of faith given to us through the Bible. We know that we can do this as we did it for 93 years before we had a youth director!

Before we have you embark on the following questionnaire, some background is important:
1)  Trinity’s confirmation program is returning to a three-year program this year. It will be for sixth, seventh, and eighth grade students with confirmation in the fall of their ninth-grade year. We are seeking mentors for sixth and seventh grades. Look in this newsletter for information on what a mentor’s role and responsibilities are. Sixth-grade students will have a three-year program. Seventh graders will embark on a two-year program Eighth graders will complete the second year of their two-year program. There will be a resumption of a traditional program doing away with TrinityU, the point system, and other individualized learning programs.

2) Sunday School attendance has declined significantly at Trinity. Last year, we averaged 3 to 5 children ages  3 to sixth grade per Sunday. We have heard many reasons why, and some of these numbers reflect the lower number of children in our school district. We want to “resurrect” these numbers! We want to build excitement into our programming and invite families back to Trinity Lutheran Church. We will need teachers to instruct our youth and lead singing. Even though formal confirmation starts in 6th grade, Sunday School or Wednesday Night School is needed to prepare youth for confirmation. For example, this year the first few confirmation classes will be teaching youth how to find passages in their Bibles.

3)  Release Time is celebrating its 100th anniversary in 2024! Think of it, for a full century, Trinity Lutheran Church has been educating thousands of young people. In 1924, Rev. Johnson appointed a temporary parochial school committee to organize the school, rent a room, and hire a teacher. Dues were 15 cents per week for one child with a maximum charge of 50 cents per family. No child was barred from religious instruction through 14 elementary students were celebrated. Students came from Trinity, Black Hammer, Riceford, Waterloo Ridge, Wilmington, and Highland congregations.

Can Trinity continue the program? Last fall 125 students from Kindergarten through sixth grade were enrolled. The program provided 35 minutes of non-denominational instruction each week led by Pastor Len Liptack of Black Hammer Lutheran Church and Pastor Lane Zaffke. The program returned to the Trinity Center. The students rotated allowing each grade level 35 minutes of instruction per month.

Many in the congregation have expressed strong sentiment to keep the program and expand it to every grade K-6 receiving class time every week. While that is a great goal, it would take four people teaching three hours each week September through April to provide that level of instruction. Are you willing to volunteer? There is funding available to pay teachers if we can find those willing to commit to weekly teaching.

Obviously, our church will experience a lot of change over the next 12 to 18 months as we begin the process of calling a pastor and work on self-reflection and study with our interim pastor. But this time is a great time to try new things and prepare for our new pastor.

In that light, we want you to think and pray about a Wednesday Night Fellowship. It’s an alternative that larger churches in metro areas have tried with some success. Is it time for a small rural church to try it? Many congregations have found it as a time for families to squeeze in worship and education and still participate in their school and sport activities. The larger churches are holding these services during the school year (September through April).

This survey will allow you to contemplate the concept and indicate if you would be interested in participating with your children. A tentative outline for consideration and discussion:
6:30-6:40 p.m.— Gather at Trinity Center, start with singing, prayer of the day, a Bible reading
6:40-7:00 p.m.— Lesson/message by Pastor followed by prayers of the church
7:00-7:30 p.m.— Confirmation with mentors, classroom instruction (ages 3 to 5th grade) aka Sunday School, and Adult Bible Study, Adult Lesson or parent group discussions
7:30 p.m. — Come back together for Benediction and Send Off

Now we need to hear from you! Please complete the survey. Please have it completed and turned in by Friday, August 16. Thank you!

There are several ways to access the survey:
- click here for an online version
- find it in the August newsletter
- click here for a pdf of the survey to print
- pick up a copy in the office or at the sanctuary entrances..

If you are called to help in any of the areas listed above, please contact Heather Gray at 507-459-1948 or or Pastor Lane at 507-273-3385 or

Thank you for prayerfully considering how we can resurrect our youth education programming and filling out the survey.
Your Education Team: Heather Gray (lead), Deanna Solum, Hope Turner, Bonnie Solberg, Bev Nelson, Tammy Petersen, Jessica Sherburne and Jessica Kraus.


Hiring — Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry

Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry
We are looking for a Director of Children, Youth, and Family Ministry. This is an active and fun position developing and leading programs and activities for children and families. Candidates should have strong communication and organizational skills and an understanding of ELCA Lutheran beliefs. Prior experience working with youth programs is preferred. This is a paid position with benefits. Flexible hours. Some evenings and weekends dependent on activities and events. Want to learn more? Check out the job description here.

Questions can be directed to the following:
Betty Dokken:
Nancy Gulbranson:

Helping Hands Backpack Giveaway

Helping Hands Backpack Giveaway

Trinity has participated in the Helping Hands Backpack Giveaway for several years. We have collected items and volunteered at set-up. The Giveaway is held at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Caledonia on Fri., August 2, 12 p.m. -6 p.m. and Sat., August 3, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. It is open to all Houston County families. Parents are asked to bring their child(ren) along or proof that they have school-aged children (student ID, report card).

Monetary support is always welcomed. Checks can be made out to Helping Hands Backpack Giveaway. There is an account with that name at Merchant's Bank. This event is supported by area churches.

Would you like to volunteer for the event? Contact Tricia Babinski (from Immanuel Lutheran and also owner of our local Heart Rock Coffee Roaster),
Volunteers needed:
Thu., August 1: 4pm until done (during set-up elementary through high school youth are welcome to help)
Fri., August 2: 12-3pm or 3-6pm for distribution of backpacks and supplies
Sat., August 3: 8am-12pm for distribution of backpacks and supplies

More Questions? Contact Barb Gulbranson, 498-3436 or or Mary Zaffke, 498-5823 or


Pew rehab project


The Property Team, along with several other volunteers from the congregation, wants to refinish the church pews. This project could take as long as 18 months and will be paid for privately. The sandblasting, fixing, sanding, and refinishing will be done at Jeremy Lee’s rural home body shop.

Our tentative plan will be to have two groups of six workers. Labor will include moving pews, assisting sandblaster, sanding the pews, pew ends rehab (filler or veneer replacement), staining, sealing, applying top coats, and hauling them back to the church. We are looking for 12 volunteers that can commit to this project.

Not sure about your woodworking skills? We will have technical support and will train you. Good tools will be provided, but we will need a few more sawhorses and a trailer. 

If you want to talk more, call Jerald Oakes, 507-500-1518. If you want a written detailed description of the plan, email Mark Dokken,