
Helping Hands Backpack Giveaway

Helping Hands Backpack Giveaway

Trinity has participated in the Helping Hands Backpack Giveaway for several years. We have collected items and volunteered at set-up. The Giveaway is held at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Caledonia on Fri., August 2, 12 p.m. -6 p.m. and Sat., August 3, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. It is open to all Houston County families. Parents are asked to bring their child(ren) along or proof that they have school-aged children (student ID, report card).

Monetary support is always welcomed. Checks can be made out to Helping Hands Backpack Giveaway. There is an account with that name at Merchant's Bank. This event is supported by area churches.

Would you like to volunteer for the event? Contact Tricia Babinski (from Immanuel Lutheran and also owner of our local Heart Rock Coffee Roaster),
Volunteers needed:
Thu., August 1: 4pm until done (during set-up elementary through high school youth are welcome to help)
Fri., August 2: 12-3pm or 3-6pm for distribution of backpacks and supplies
Sat., August 3: 8am-12pm for distribution of backpacks and supplies

More Questions? Contact Barb Gulbranson, 498-3436 or or Mary Zaffke, 498-5823 or