Our Congregation Council has called a Congregational Meeting for Sunday, March 23 at 10:30 a.m. following worship.
There are two items of business to be voted upon:
1) to approve a bid for the Fellowship Hall floor repair — the repair that was approved at the Annual meeting cannot be done, so new bids were requested and one needs to be approved (see photos below)
2) to approve amendments to our Constitution that were presented at the Annual Meeting in February and require a second meeting for approval
Please plan to attend the meeting which should be brief. Or join the meeting via Zoom. (see Zoom link below)
Thank you for your active participation at Trinity.
When voting, you will need to say your name unless your video is on. The person running the Zoom meeting will ask you for your vote, please wait for them to ask so that everyone is not talking over each other.
To join via Zoom:
Click on this link:
When prompted, enter the Meeting ID:
842 9575 2242
You will be let into the meeting. Please have your video on so that we can see who is attending the meeting.
To join via phone, call this number and when prompted, enter the Meeting ID listed above:
photos of the Fellowship Hall floor